What I think happened is that after updated it, or/also since I am on Windows 7 64 operating system I went and added the iTunes 64 version. Then I went to my router and added the TCP port 5223 to port forwarding, and now I get. So I decided to add it again, which I went and added it in again.
I looked in Windows Firewall and saw that is showed it was enabled. I ran the diagnostics for iTunes network connectivity tests, which I looked in the information at the end that I could copy to my clipboard and noticed that iTunes said it was NOT enabled through Windows Firewall. Now I went surfing around and didn't find too much helpful information, but something did help me. It frustrated me when I downloaded movies that would take maybe part of a day to download, specially HD movies.
1 megabytes per second download, for even single files. I don't think I've done anything different but recently it started to get slow, as in. Hello, all, I am somewhat moderately knowlgedable about computer I had a problem with my Apple iTunes running slower than it had before on my machine.